5 Natural Tips to Treat Whiteheads

Whiteheads are small form of acne resulted when dead skin cells,oil and dirt get
trapped in the hair follicles thus clogging our pores.Whiteheads unlike Blackheads
do not have a opening or a head which is usually black in color due to oxidation.
Whiteheads are hard looking in appearance and cannot be removed easily by a tool.

Though no such medications have proved to be helpful in obliterating whiteheads
completely but natural remedies to some extent can be helpful in eliminating them.
This post would cover 5 such natural remedies helpful in treating whiteheads.

If  you are also looking for some natural remedies and tips to treat Blackheads,
then you may like this post 7 Natural Ways to Rescue Blackheads

1. Baking soda and Green tea - Baking soda has excess oil and sebum absorbing
properties along with it is a good exfoliater which helps in removal of whiteheads,green
tea on the other hand as we all know has lots of antioxidants good for skin,so it kind of
helps in de-clogging the pores of skin.This pack can be tried twice or thrice a week
depending on the intensity of the appearance of whiteheads on face.

2. Lemon and honey -  Lemon juice and honey also makes an ideal pack for removal
of whiteheads,honey has anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties which obliterates
whiteheads.Lemon because of the presence of citric acid and high acidic content helps
in the purification of skin and thereby removal of whiteheads.

3. Oats and Almond -  Oats not just make an ideal breakfast but is super good
for our skin and whiteheads too.Oats and almond have some great cleansing and
exfoliating properties and it also helps in regulating excess oil on the face.Whiteheads
are caused due to dead skin cells accumulation on the skin surface,so it is very
important to exfoliate and cleanse our skin to rescue from whiteheads and get rid of them.

4. Toothpaste and Salt - Toothpaste and salt makes an excellent combination in
eliminating whiteheads and also blackheads.Toothpaste which contains sodium
fluoride which when combined with salt also sodium is used on blackheads and
whiteheads completely obliterates them in just 10-15 minutes.This sounds interesting
and it is indeed coz of the kind of  magic it does on those nasty,ugly and stubborn

5. Coriander Juice - Coriander juice has always been used to cure acne/pimples and
 its scars but little did you know that it would be good for whiteheads too.Yes, its great
when it comes to treating whiteheads completely but it may take some time and patience
 as it is a slow process.

Few more pints to keep in mind white following these natural remedies is -

- Make sure you cleanse and mildly exfoliate your skin once or twice a week to
 keep whiteheads and blackheads at away.

- Steaming you face suing some essential oils like lavender and rosemary or
eucalyptus can also prove to be helpful as it helps to clean our pores.

Hoping these remedies could be of some help to people who were looking for
some natural ways to get rid of whiteheads!! :D


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