DIY Homemade Body Scrub Recipie

DIY Homemade Body Scrub Recipie

Body scrubs are the best way to indulge in super soft glowing skin.As summers are approaching its very essential to pamper and exfoliate our body with some homemade body scrubs once a week.Exfoliation helps to achieve soft glowing skin by getting rid of unwanted dead skin thereby enhancing blood circulation and skin renewal.

When one can make their own body scrubs according to skin type specifications than why spend money on expensive body scrubs,the best part about these scrubs is that they are 100% natural and are dirt cheap when compared with cosmetic body scrubs.Also one doesn't need to worry about them being finished as they are made from simple kitchen ingredients available in most of our homes and you can make them as much as you want in small or large batches,but preferably in small batches for maintaining their efficacy.

I''l talk about two types of homemade body scrubs I usually make at home.

1. Brown sugar,Baking soda,olive oil scrub 
Brown sugar as we know is excellent for exfoliation and it smells awsome,I use baking soda but you can use any other salt(table,sea or Epsom) because baking soda acts as an absorbent and soaks all unnecessary dirt and sebum from the skin and is also good for uneven skin tone.Olive oil is the best multipurpose oil to be used over (face,body and hair) for smooth glowing skin.One can substitute olive oil with coconut oil,works as same but i prefer olive oil.I also add few drops of lavender essential oil to it,as lavender oil has calming and relaxing effect on body.

Brown sugar( 4-5 tbsp) , baking soda(2 tbsp), olive oil(1-2 tbsp), 4-5 drops of lavender oil.Mix all these ingredients well and store in a small glass jar.

2. Coffee,cocoa,brown sugar,olive oil scrub
Coarsely grounded coffee is good for exfoliation plus it has antioxidant properties,Cocoa is also an antioxidant and softens skin.Brown sugar as we discussed earlier is also a good exfoliant.Olive oil is used as a base oil to balance the scrubs consistency and also to nourish skin while indulging in exfoliation.

Cocoa(2 tbsp), Coarsely ground coffee(3-4 tbsp), brown sugar(4-5 tbsp), olive oil(1-2 tbsp).Mix them well and store it in a glass jar.Can be refrigerated for longer shelf life.

If you want to know more about cocoa and coffee use do check out our previous post DIY Glowing Skin Face Pack

Do try these body scrubs and let us know which one is the best and gives desired results in the comments below.
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